OUTPOST Members Publication 2021, selected by Rasha Kahil
Alida Kuzemczak-Sayer | Amir Chasson | Charlie Barkus | Emma Corrall | Jamie George | Keron Beattie | Natasha MacVoy | Paul Kuzemczak
The artworks selected, which range widely from sculpture to text to painting, all speak of a ‘make do and mend’ process, where introspection and resilience, coupled with scarcity - of space, of material, of social contact -, inform and enrich the work. From MacVoy’s site-specific installaion created from and within a contained space, to Kuzemczak’s mitochondrial pastel creatures floating across the frame, to Beattie’s ‘readymade’ which seem to hang in a perfectly precarious alance, to a simple word that comes alive through George’s makeshift table-top theatrical production, the works sem to reflect, whether ntentional or not, our current “Age of Covid” and all it’s entailed. Yet rather than tinged with melancholy or a sense of loss, the works remain bouyant and whimsical, lightly inviting the viewer to participate in construction of meaning through their personal experience. - Rasha Kahil
Design by Studio Rose
200 copies produced in Norwich, August 2021